GoMotion is our class management software. You can view your athletes class time, skill evaluation information, billing information and more.
Parents will need to complete a make up class form in order to complete a make up class. Please fill out the form below to get approved for a make up!
We offer unlimited make up classes, however, they do need to be completed within 90 days of the missed class.
Starting in July 2024, we will no longer offer make-up private lessons for absences by coaches or athletes. To receive a price adjustment or a credit, please complete this form at least two hours before your scheduled lesson.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at info@powerhauscheer.com. Have a great day!
We are sad to see you go! Please keep in mind we have several class times for most levels, and other programs your kiddo may enjoy if their current one is just not their jam! If you are wanting to unenroll your athlete from their program, please complete this form below. Charges are placed into accounts on the 1st and cards are automatically ran on the 6th at 12:00 am. If this form is not completed by the 5th at 7:30 pm, your card will be charged for that month with no refund. If you are unenrolling mid-month, program charges will not be prorated. Please ensure that you put an unenrollment date for your athlete to ensure that the front desk removes them from the class on the correct date.
To re-enroll your athlete, please contact the front desk at frontdesk@powerhauscheer.com or call us at 618-939-7827! We hope you have a great rest of your day and hope to see you all soon.
We are now OPEN for Classes, Private Lessons, Birthday Parties and Parent's Night Outs.