Parent and Me: Ages 1-3
Class where parents and their child conduct class together. They work on cartwheels, rolls, headstands, tabletop, and balance skills.
Intro to Beginner: Ages 3-5
Also known as Preschool Class. Class where our younger athletes begin to learn cartwheels, rolls, handstands, backbends, etc. Must be potty trained.
This class is for athletes ranging from intro to tumbling to starting to work their handsprings. There are no pre-requisites for this class.
Advanced Beginner:
This class works on Walkovers. Pre-requisites include a Back Kickover, Cartwheel, Handstand Roll or Bridge and Round off. Bottom age limit 5yo. Must have passed through the skills needed from evaluation sheet.
This class works on Walkovers and Handsprings. Pre-requisites include a Back Walkover, Front Limber, Handstand Snap Down and Round off. Bottom age limit 5yo. Must have passed through the skills needed from evaluation sheet.
Advanced Handspring:
This class works on Handsprings. Pre-requisites include Back handspring and Round off Back handspring. Bottom age limit: 8yo. Must have passed through the skills needed from evaluation sheet.
Tucks to Fulls:
This class works on Handsprings, Tucks, Layouts and Fulls. Pre-requisites include Back handspring Series and Round off Back handspring Series. Bottom age limit: 8yo. Must have passed through the skills needed from evaluation sheet.
Tumble Team Beginner:
This class works on Rolls, Cartwheels, Roundoffs, Back Walkovers and Front Limbers, as well as, double mini skills. The pre-requisites are forward roll, backward roll, Idea of a handstand, and idea of a cartwheel.
Tumble Team Beginner to Advanced Beginner:
This class work up through back handsprings, as well as, double mini skills. . The pre-requisites are cartwheel, handstand, roundoff, and kickover on the wedge mat.
Tumble Team Advanced Beginner to Sub Novice:
This class works Walkovers and Handsprings, as well as, double mini skills. . The pre-requisites are back kickover, front limber, and round off.
Tumble Team Sub Novice to Novice:
This class works on multiple handsprings, as well as, double mini skills. The pre-requisites are round off one back handspring.
Tumble Team Novice to Advanced:
This class works on advanced tumbling skills like whips, tucks, layouts and fulls, as well as, double mini skills. The pre-requisites are round off seven back handsprings.
We are now OPEN for Classes, Private Lessons, Birthday Parties and Parent's Night Outs.